Conservative care

Conservative care

Conservative care is a treatment option focusing on comfort. The decision to let kidney disease run its course may eventually result in death from kidney failure.

Some people feel that continued life with kidney disease and the burden of treatment outweighs the benefits. People have the right to decide not to start treatment or to stop if already on treatment and continue with conservative care.

With conservative care, your healthcare team will help control both your physical and emotional symptoms until death occurs. Medications and treatments can be given to lessen the symptoms that may arise. Emotional support for you and your family is key.

You have the right to choose conservative care. However, when choosing any treatment option, it is important to discuss your feelings fully and openly with your doctor and family.

If you choose the conservative care treatment option, you and your family will work with your healthcare team to develop a treatment plan that honors your wishes and helps you and your family obtain the support and comfort you need.