Welcome to Baxter Empowers!
An essential online resource for patients with chronic kidney disease who, together with their doctor, have chosen or are considering peritoneal dialysis as a treatment option. This interactive site features a wealth of information about PD, and offers visitors a variety of educational tools.

Is peritoneal dialysis (PD) right for me?
Peritoneal dialysis (PD) may be the right treatment for you if it suits your lifestyle and medical and physical condition. Doing peritoneal dialysis (PD) at home increases the flexibility and independence of your life on dialysis. It can save you frequent trips to the dialysis center and gives you more freedom to do the activities you love.
As your choice of treatment affects every aspect of your life, your decision matters!

Preparing for, and doing your PD treatment
PD is a relatively simple procedure which most patients learn within a few days.
During peritoneal dialysis, a fluid called dialysis solution passes into your abdomen through a catheter. Once the dialysis fluid has flowed into your abdomen, it stays there, cleaning your blood by absorbing any waste and excess fluid. After a certain period, the dialysis solution containing the waste and excess fluid from your body is drained out of your abdomen through your catheter. This whole process is called an exchange.

Living well with PD
Life is very much worth living, also with PD.
Learn from other patients how they have integrated PD in their private, social and working lifes or how to adopt a kidney-friendly diet while doing PD. Once a month, we post a delicious and healthy meal for dialysis patients here. Also read about how to manage your dialysis supplies.

Travelling with PD
For many patients, remaining mobile and being able to travel is an important part of life. PD equipment is portable, making it easier to perform PD treatment in other locations.
Here patients share their story of traveling with PD.
Do you plan to travel and want to know how Baxter can support you? Visit the Baxter Global Travel Club.

Get support with your kidney disease
Discover the patient organization Bundesverband Niere that helps people with kidney disease and their loved ones.

PD Resource Center
Here you can find resources that can help you plan for a healthy and full life with PD.