Living well with PD

Managing fluids and diet
Being on PD requires special dietary considerations. Knowing what you should and should not eat and drink while on PD and adhering to this will help keep your body in balance. Here you find tipps and receipes which may help you adopting a kidney-friendly diet.

Ordering supplies
Each month, you or a family member will place an order for prescribed supplies, and they will be delivered to you according to a pre-determined schedule. You will need storage space for the supplies. Your nurse will teach you how to order supplies. Baxter provides tools and guidelines to make the process simple and to give you peace of mind.
PD Patients Tell Their Story
Learn from other PD patients how they dealt with the diagnosis of kidney failure and how they integrated their PD therapy in their private, social and working live.

2 litres of dialysis fluid in my belly
Anita tells about her decision for and her life with PD.

Patient Diary of Peter Birkenmaier
„Geschenkte Jahre“ and a "Mut-Macher" Peter Birkenmaier calls his diary. Read for yourself how Mr Birkenmaier and his wife master the difficult time and secure the highest possible quality of life despite dialysis treatment.
The story of Hildegard Krüger
Hildegard Krüger, 74, tells about the beginning of her illness, her self-treatment and the importance of involving her relatives in the decision from the beginning.

"I want to be independent."
Josef Dennig is 67 years old. After the diagnosis he researches on the internet.

PD on the lorry
Jan Knubben (58) is passionate about driving trucks - and has been for about 20 years. He has also been on dialysis for more than three years. No reason to change his career. Instead, he does PD in the truck.

No desire for a life in a dialysis centre
Christian's (74) story about his time with PD and his life after kidney transplantation.

Live! Not just survive!
Marianne S. is 67, she has four grandchildren, many hobbies and under no circumstances would she give up activities with the grandchildren, singing in the choir or her beloved dance evenings. But how can she do that if she has to do dialysis?
The story of Ingeborg Lamb
Ingeborg Lamb tells on her everyday life with peritoneal dialysis and how she has integrated PD into her professional and private life.

Patient Travel Stories
For patients sharing their story on travelling with PD please click below link.