Why PD? Flexible treatment options
Depending on a patient’s renal function, PD can be offered as urgent-start, incremental, or conventional therapy. Each treatment regimen offers its own benefits to patients.
Conventional PD
When to prescribe
The patient and the physician decide which PD option is appropriate.
Treatment regimen
Automated peritoneal dialysis (APD) OR continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD)
Patient benefit
The patient and his or her physician chooses the therapy modality that best suits the patient’s lifestyle.
Indications for conventional PD include initiation based on needed dialysis for end-stage kidney failure, or when more than 85% of renal function is lost (<15 GFR).1
Incremental PD
When to prescribe
The patient and the physician decide which PD option is appropriate.
Treatment regimen
Offers fewer exchanges than conventional PD2
Patient benefit
Fewer trips to the clinic and a trend towards lower peritonitis incidence2,3
Incremental PD offers an effective modality with which to start PD, along with fewer exchanges than conventional PD when significant renal function is still present.2,3
Urgent-start PD
When to prescribe
This type of therapy allows for a “PD-first” strategy despite the unplanned start.
Treatment regimen
PD may be initiated in a clinic or hospital setting to train the patient on how to perform the therapy.
Patient benefit
Studies show that patients in the urgent-start PD pathway have been successfully discharged to home therapy.5
Urgent-start PD refers to the initiation of dialysis soon after PD catheter placement. This treatment option is available to late-referred patients with advanced kidney disease. According to a single-center, retrospective study, urgent-start PD may be an option for a patient when the dialysis center is experienced in urgent-start PD.4
Did you know?
In the U.S., PD use has increased at a greater rate than hemodialysis (HD) each year since 2009.6 Since 2010, the number of PD patients has increased by 48%.
Why worldwide use of PD confirms therapy value
Distribution of the percentage of prevalent dialysis patients using PD in 20157,8
Hong Kong | 70% |
Mexico | 51% |
New Zealand | 19.6% |
Canada | 19.6% |
South Africa | 16.1% |
United Kingdom | 13.1% |
USA | 9.8% |
Source: Special analyses, USRDS ESRD Database. United Kingdom: England, Wales, and Northern Ireland (Scotland data reported separately).
Data for Canada excludes Québec.
PD has a well-established market presence worldwide.